Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Dad

There will be many updates on my father in the future. He's probably my favorite person to quote because he's so into himself and so funny.

Let's put it this way. If my Dad was 20 years old today he would be on that Jersey Shore Show. Sure we all detest them but he is a reformed former Queens turned Suburban Guido that has three daughters and a wife that pretty much rule him. We call him Mr. Saturday because when you don't work "Everyday is a Saturday." Another nickname is "Rabbit" because he got new teeth recently and they're way too long. When he gets really excited or does something that he thinks is really funny, the Rabbit comes out.

Today's text from my sister: a quote from him: "Everything about me is great. I got the best house-the pool. I got the nicest mailman. Everybody wants to be related to us."

See below for pic of him. This is him tanning on a cruise that my entire family went on without me. He likes to ensure that, quite unnaturally for a male, the tops of his legs get tan too.


  1. I love Dom and everything about his rabbit teeth and tan thighs.

  2. really? I think a little pee just came out when I was reading this. Growing up with your dad, I never questioned any of his silly one liners or was just what made him, him and I'm so happy he is still the same!
