Thursday, December 17, 2009

Work Holiday Party

Tonight is my work holiday party. I plan to network with other departments in my company so I can exit my current situation, but still work within my company. LIE. Really I'm going to take advantage of all the free food and alcohol and probably get drunk and fall down and get told by HR "someone needs to get that girl in a cab," like last year.

No I will not get drunk tonight. I have to maintain my integrity and a level of professionalism. My company is such a high school though, I'm interested to see how this all goes down. This is my third holiday party with this company and this year it's at a really high-end venue. That's nice seeing as there has been a freeze on raises the past year even though we are one of the few companies still hiring and picking up new business in an "economic downturn". I will not get drunk tonight, maybe if I keep saying it, it will work.

I'll try to post about this tomorrow but I don't think I'll be able to seeing as I don't have a computer at home and I had the foresight to take tomorrow off, (give it a weekend for coworkers to forget my antics and slurred insults) because I just moved into a new shoebox, I mean new apartment and my old computer was as big as an arcade game. Because I am such an adult, I have to wait until April, my birthday, for a laptop. More to come.

Side note - Happy 56th birthday Dad!

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